Friday, September 22, 2006

Forgive me! I know it's been a couple of days. Wednesday was very full with no time to get to the internet cafe. Attended a wonderful lecture on Art and Character at the Holbourne Museum and then it was off to the Jane Austen Centre to obtain not just a shirt but an entire costume for my stage manager extraordinaire David G. At the Centre, Ms. Glenys Hale was absolutely lovely to us, I think she thought David quite handsome and she gave him this beautiful blue coat, cravat, vest, knickers and so forth to wear for the performance - he looked exquisite. The show, the show, the show! First the tech went very smoothly, though I had forgotten my book and candle, Ann G. at the Mission Theatre was so accomodating, the Mission provided me with the items. Breath, Karen, breath! My young ladies came, Rebecca and Chris, and dressed in full costume and then the Gainors came looking fabulous as well. I prepped everyone, I drank some tea and some ice water and we were off! I was incredibly nervous and intimidated but I made my goal to hit my characters and have fun in each role and the audience laughed hard and applauded and the picture taking session at the end of the show went on and on - all wanted pictures of me and my company as the various characters - so struck many poses! Kudos go to my directors, Amy and Susan - the direction was complimented, the dialect was complimented. More soon on all this. The costume was also admired and so thank you to Marie Natali for the lovely dress and cap. Marie also provided me with a marvelous lace hanky to match. The topper for all this is that I have been invited back! And not just to Bath but to Chawton Cottage and the Great House. Not just for Jane Austen but for Aphra Behn as well. Thanks to Cary Bush at the Windsor Hotel and the exquisite Gainors, yesterday we did the "Jane Austen Cradle to Grave" tour dubbed so by Dr. Gainor. First off to Steventon. Walked in the church where Jane's Father and Brother preached. Then found the actual site of the house - the pump is still there. On to Chawton Cottage - unbelievable - Jane's real topaz cross on view - real samples of her writing, her actual writing desk, a quilt she and Cassandra sewed with their mother, so many artifacts - just awesome. Chawton Great House - a lovely lady let us in to see the great Hall where I have set the play and the dining room - unbelievable, breathtaking. Up the walk to the great house - a meadow of sheep on one side and on the other, chocolate brown horses grazing patiently. Onto Winchester, the 900 year Cathedral built on water, the crypts flood each winter, the south wall starting to bow, the brook that squirts out from underneath with lily pads, Janes' stone in the Cathedral, the brass plaque and family window and finally the place where she breathed her last in Cassandra's arms, a private home near the Cathedral with a plaque above the door. Another amazing day. Arrived in London last night, I can "feel my morals declining"! Today tooling around and will report more tomorrow!

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